Monday, March 21, 2011

Assignment #1

    Hi everyone .. My name is Huseyin Keskin,and I am from Turkey.  I have been in living in the U.S.A. for 8 years.This is my second semester  at Lagurdia Community College and I want to be a X- ray technician.My favorite book is  Last Prophet  which about prophet Muhammad's life .I really liked it because it taught me how to behave , and be respectful  to others without any judgment. I am really trying  to live the way that he lived as a perfect person .Therefore,It helped me to be a better person.My favorite movie is The Terminal by Tom Hanks.The movie is about a guy who is from a different country and came to New York for visiting but it was not so easy to get out of the airport because during the flight a war occurred in his country and his citizenship was suspended for temporarily.As a result ,he was stuck in the airport without having any money and he didn't know any English, but  he tried very hard to learn the language and he was successful at the end ...
   One of my choice is "The Appointment in Samarra," by W. Somerset Maugham .I chose this fable due to moral that it gives .It is a great fable that reminds  people that  the death is real , exists and we cannot run away from it, but instead of saying that it represents with a fiction .Thus, it makes  the story unforgettable.
   My second  choice is "Everyday Use,"by Alice Walker .It is a beautiful short story that teaches us we should not forget  ,where we came from,history and ashamed of who we are or our family .
   As a result, I think both stories are very realistic and give great morals.

Monday, March 14, 2011


hi everyone !!! my name is huseyin and I am currently going to Laguardia College and studyin x-ray technology ..