Friday, May 20, 2011


I have chosen Hemingway’s short stories for my research paper. My choices are “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.” I have chosen his stories because Hemingway’s use of character development, style, and dialogue all contribute to the simple complexity of his stories. Both “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. “ Both invite the reader into the story through the realistic dialogue and complex nature of each character. I found my sources mostly on ‘EBSCOhost, JSTOR, and one web site calls'
One of my sources is from Warren, Bennett. "Character, Irony, and Resolution in "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" this article gives insight on how the characters and symbolism intertwine within the story.  This article will help my research by allowing me to tie in my ideas in a more concise manner. The second source is from Bluefarb, Sam. "The Search for the Absolute in Hemingway's "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place"
and "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." This article analyzes both stories that are being used in the research paper.  It ties together both stories and hones in on their similarities  
and my third source is from  Hemingway, Ernest." This website was useful on giving information on Ernest Hemingway’s life and it affected his writing. My last source is from The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway." Magill Book Reviews.
This book review is about the book that published both stories being analyzed.  It gives insight on what an extraordinary author Hemingway was and the legacy he left behind.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

ENG 102-Blog Assignment #7

For my post, I have chosen this clip from You Tube The title of this clip is Shakespeare's The Tempest (1980 TV) - end of play. This clip was acted by live performers on a stage. It was created in 1980 for television audience. I think that this play is more realistic then the version in Manga Shakespeare version because plot, setting and characters are more sensible. This clip is the end of Shakespeare's The Tempest.  Prospero is the main character in this play. I think this play reveals more psychological realism the way characters talks and their costumes then in Manga version because you can see more emotion and personality in the play. Shakespeare’s words are mostly same in both play and Manga, but it is a little bit different on page 203 in Manga. I discovered more human feelings that I perhaps didn’t see in the printed Manga Shakespeare version. Both the play and Manga almost have the same story and the dialogue but of course there are some differences: Ariel is a man in the play but he is a spirit in Manga, Caliban looks stronger and muscular in Manga but not in the play, Alonso looks pride and very confident in the play although he looks very sad and helpless on page 203 in Manga and last Prospero holds Ariel’s hand before says good-bye to him in Manga. As a result, I think the clip is easier to understand for me because I can see characters’ feelings and emotions then in Manga and I like the clip more then Manga Shakespeare version.