Tuesday, June 7, 2011

ENG 102 -Blog Assignment # 8 -Responding to a Poem

The poem that I’m choosing is “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes.  I think that poetry is an imaginative understanding of experience spoken or written through meaning, sound and rhythmic language choices so as to bring to mind emotional response.Most poems have rhymes, metaphors and similes. Langston Hughes uses similes, daily language in his poems to reach his readers. Also, he uses simpler and conversational style to present his personal or general experiences to reach his audience like “The Weary Blues”. “The Weary Blues” describes an evening of listening to a blues musician in Harlem.  This poem gives readers an appreciation of the emotion conveyed by the blues musician in the poem.  “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes is a notable poem to illustrate how music can express his and the feelings of other African-Americans towards segregation. With simple language and rhymes that he uses I have noticed that how he perfectly presents African-Americans’ social and political problems in a society and I agree that poem may not have metaphors or similes or a high literary style, but it should still use language in a creative way. He does not use any high style writing, but he uses many rhymes. “ Ain’t got nobody but ma self. /And put ma troubles on the shelf” (Hughes 20-2).This kind of writing makes the poem easier to understand and fun.

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