Thursday, April 28, 2011

Assignment# 5 Brainstorm for Research Paper Topic

            I am interesting in working on two short stories by Ernest Hemingway for my research paper. I chose this author because I like his style; he keeps his stories very clear, simple and easy to understand. I will be reading several of his short stories  like “A Well-Lighted Place”, “The Killer”, “The Snow of Kilimanjaro”, “Hills Like White Elephants”, “The Light of The World “, and “African Story .” I will try to find out similarities and differences among these stories. What makes Hemingway different then the other authors is being objective to readers.  He believes that author  should not judge and author has to write anything that his sees or hears. Hemingway’s stories lead reader to use his imagination to fill the rest of the stories by using economical detail and silence.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Blog Assignment # 4-Midterm Practice."

            A successful short story should give us realistic dialogue and believable characters beyond the plot. Do you agree or disagree?
            I agree that a successful short story should give us realistic dialogue and believable characters beyond the plot.  Ordinary characters and setting make the story realistic and allow the reader to feel like they are a part of the story.  The plot usually takes a shorter period of time like, “A Well –Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway and “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker.  An important element that makes these two short stories different than other stories is the plot. The plot takes place in twenty- four hours or less in short stories, hence, they are more realistic because they capture a small period of time relevant to readers.  The reader can relate more to these stories and put himself in the position of the characters. This style of writing focuses on everyday people living ordinary lives like” Everyday Use” by Alice Walker.  This short story has very realistic characters and ordinary live styles, like a mom trying to keep her family together.  Most families can relate to this situation.  In addition, dialogue and simple settings make the reader feel as if the story were about their own lives like in “A Well –Lighted Place” by Hemingway.  An old guy goes to a very simple and ordinary bar, a bar most of us have encountered once in our lives, and he is having drinks and we can see a realistic dialogue between waiters and the old guy.  The dialogue that they were having is one we ourselves have had or overheard.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

ENG 102 and Blog Assignment #3:'Author's note on Essay #1

  I chose the two texts “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and “The Appointment in Samarra” by W. Somerset Maugham because of the morals they both send.  My ideas about finding 'morals' in short stories have changed by writing this essay because it clarified the difference between short stories and fables.  Fables focus on fate and destiny while short stories focus on an event during a certain time.  Fables are creative and thoughtful ways to teach a moral to the reader.  Short stories are more realistic in their plot and character choice.  The reader can relate more to these stories and put himself in the position of the characters.  Before reading these stories, I have always thought that these stories would be boring and I would have not understood the texts. After taking ENG 102 and reading these texts, I have started to read more carefully or differently or closely than I did before, so it helped me to understand stories and write better. Overall ,essay # 1 challenged me the way I read  and I know that   I have to push myself to get to my goals and this class is one of the step that helps me to  achieve my dreams.  

Assignment #2- Realism vs Romance- ENG 102

Assignment #2: Realism vs. Romance

            Realism and romance are two different writing styles. Realism refers to writing that allows the reader to relate authentic events. This style of writing focuses on everyday people living ordinary lives. Dialogue and simple settings make the reader feel as if the story were about their own lives. Realism, essentially, focuses on the character, as is the case in Ernest Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” a perfect example. Hemingway uses clear and simple language to allow the reader to understand the storyline. The dialogue used is very similar to a dialogue that would take place between two waiters waiting for their nightly shift to end. “’You have youth, confidence, and a job,’ the older waiter said. ‘You have everything’” (Hemingway 144). The older waiter’s comment is a guess most would have on a person that is younger.  He assumes that because the younger waiter has his youth and confidence that he has it all although we do not know that.  This comment is not something out of the ordinary. We have at one point thought it about others or others have thought it about us. 
Romance differs in the plots and settings and generally has more characters than realism.  Romance stories deal more with emotion than realism such as, family secrets, wealth, and overall is a more idealized style of writing. Amy Tan’s “A Pair of Tickets” deals with family secrets and the discovery of half-sisters in China.  The mother dies and makes the story more tragic so the aunts trying to fulfill the mother’s wish writes the long lost twin sisters a letter.  An excerpt from a letter was “I never gave up hope that we would see each other again in a joyous reunion…” (Tan 123).  The language used in the story allows the plot to stir up more emotions in the reader, whether or not the plot is less realistic, thus making it a more interesting read.  The simple yet figurative language used makes it popular for readers because anyone can understand and empathize with the characters involved, which is probably the reason why Hollywood would choose a romantic story over realism.