Sunday, April 3, 2011

Assignment #2- Realism vs Romance- ENG 102

Assignment #2: Realism vs. Romance

            Realism and romance are two different writing styles. Realism refers to writing that allows the reader to relate authentic events. This style of writing focuses on everyday people living ordinary lives. Dialogue and simple settings make the reader feel as if the story were about their own lives. Realism, essentially, focuses on the character, as is the case in Ernest Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” a perfect example. Hemingway uses clear and simple language to allow the reader to understand the storyline. The dialogue used is very similar to a dialogue that would take place between two waiters waiting for their nightly shift to end. “’You have youth, confidence, and a job,’ the older waiter said. ‘You have everything’” (Hemingway 144). The older waiter’s comment is a guess most would have on a person that is younger.  He assumes that because the younger waiter has his youth and confidence that he has it all although we do not know that.  This comment is not something out of the ordinary. We have at one point thought it about others or others have thought it about us. 
Romance differs in the plots and settings and generally has more characters than realism.  Romance stories deal more with emotion than realism such as, family secrets, wealth, and overall is a more idealized style of writing. Amy Tan’s “A Pair of Tickets” deals with family secrets and the discovery of half-sisters in China.  The mother dies and makes the story more tragic so the aunts trying to fulfill the mother’s wish writes the long lost twin sisters a letter.  An excerpt from a letter was “I never gave up hope that we would see each other again in a joyous reunion…” (Tan 123).  The language used in the story allows the plot to stir up more emotions in the reader, whether or not the plot is less realistic, thus making it a more interesting read.  The simple yet figurative language used makes it popular for readers because anyone can understand and empathize with the characters involved, which is probably the reason why Hollywood would choose a romantic story over realism.

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