Tuesday, June 7, 2011

ENG 102- Blog Assignment #9

This course has helped me to change the way I read literature from beginning to the end of this course. Honestly, this course is one of the hardest courses that I have ever taken, but I think that I’m reading for different element maybe looking beyond the plot, for example, to look for characters or something else. Before I thought that I would not understand poems but after taking this class I have learned ‘close reading’ which helped me to understand the meaning of poems. In the future, I now expect that I will be able to read or watch movies differently because I will be able to connect every detail such as: characters, plot and setting. Also, I have learned about many beautiful short stories in literature such as; realistic, romance, fiction and sometimes we have seen some combinations of them. I always think that Shakespeare’s writing is very hard to understand due to the language but ‘The Tempest’ made the class easy end fun to read. Another think was helpful is assignments that we did on blogs. These blogs enhanced my horizon towards to reading and writing. Thus, all the assignments on the blogs and essays improved my writing and reading to understand poems, short stories .

ENG 102 -Blog Assignment # 8 -Responding to a Poem

The poem that I’m choosing is “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes.  I think that poetry is an imaginative understanding of experience spoken or written through meaning, sound and rhythmic language choices so as to bring to mind emotional response.Most poems have rhymes, metaphors and similes. Langston Hughes uses similes, daily language in his poems to reach his readers. Also, he uses simpler and conversational style to present his personal or general experiences to reach his audience like “The Weary Blues”. “The Weary Blues” describes an evening of listening to a blues musician in Harlem.  This poem gives readers an appreciation of the emotion conveyed by the blues musician in the poem.  “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes is a notable poem to illustrate how music can express his and the feelings of other African-Americans towards segregation. With simple language and rhymes that he uses I have noticed that how he perfectly presents African-Americans’ social and political problems in a society and I agree that poem may not have metaphors or similes or a high literary style, but it should still use language in a creative way. He does not use any high style writing, but he uses many rhymes. “ Ain’t got nobody but ma self. /And put ma troubles on the shelf” (Hughes 20-2).This kind of writing makes the poem easier to understand and fun.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I have chosen Hemingway’s short stories for my research paper. My choices are “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.” I have chosen his stories because Hemingway’s use of character development, style, and dialogue all contribute to the simple complexity of his stories. Both “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. “ Both invite the reader into the story through the realistic dialogue and complex nature of each character. I found my sources mostly on ‘EBSCOhost, JSTOR, and one web site calls Cartage.org.'
One of my sources is from Warren, Bennett. "Character, Irony, and Resolution in "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" this article gives insight on how the characters and symbolism intertwine within the story.  This article will help my research by allowing me to tie in my ideas in a more concise manner. The second source is from Bluefarb, Sam. "The Search for the Absolute in Hemingway's "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place"
and "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." This article analyzes both stories that are being used in the research paper.  It ties together both stories and hones in on their similarities  
and my third source is from  Hemingway, Ernest." Cartage.org. This website was useful on giving information on Ernest Hemingway’s life and it affected his writing. My last source is from The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway." Magill Book Reviews.
This book review is about the book that published both stories being analyzed.  It gives insight on what an extraordinary author Hemingway was and the legacy he left behind.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

ENG 102-Blog Assignment #7

For my post, I have chosen this clip from You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKufOtErDmQ. The title of this clip is Shakespeare's The Tempest (1980 TV) - end of play. This clip was acted by live performers on a stage. It was created in 1980 for television audience. I think that this play is more realistic then the version in Manga Shakespeare version because plot, setting and characters are more sensible. This clip is the end of Shakespeare's The Tempest.  Prospero is the main character in this play. I think this play reveals more psychological realism the way characters talks and their costumes then in Manga version because you can see more emotion and personality in the play. Shakespeare’s words are mostly same in both play and Manga, but it is a little bit different on page 203 in Manga. I discovered more human feelings that I perhaps didn’t see in the printed Manga Shakespeare version. Both the play and Manga almost have the same story and the dialogue but of course there are some differences: Ariel is a man in the play but he is a spirit in Manga, Caliban looks stronger and muscular in Manga but not in the play, Alonso looks pride and very confident in the play although he looks very sad and helpless on page 203 in Manga and last Prospero holds Ariel’s hand before says good-bye to him in Manga. As a result, I think the clip is easier to understand for me because I can see characters’ feelings and emotions then in Manga and I like the clip more then Manga Shakespeare version.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Assignment# 5 Brainstorm for Research Paper Topic

            I am interesting in working on two short stories by Ernest Hemingway for my research paper. I chose this author because I like his style; he keeps his stories very clear, simple and easy to understand. I will be reading several of his short stories  like “A Well-Lighted Place”, “The Killer”, “The Snow of Kilimanjaro”, “Hills Like White Elephants”, “The Light of The World “, and “African Story .” I will try to find out similarities and differences among these stories. What makes Hemingway different then the other authors is being objective to readers.  He believes that author  should not judge and author has to write anything that his sees or hears. Hemingway’s stories lead reader to use his imagination to fill the rest of the stories by using economical detail and silence.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Blog Assignment # 4-Midterm Practice."

            A successful short story should give us realistic dialogue and believable characters beyond the plot. Do you agree or disagree?
            I agree that a successful short story should give us realistic dialogue and believable characters beyond the plot.  Ordinary characters and setting make the story realistic and allow the reader to feel like they are a part of the story.  The plot usually takes a shorter period of time like, “A Well –Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway and “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker.  An important element that makes these two short stories different than other stories is the plot. The plot takes place in twenty- four hours or less in short stories, hence, they are more realistic because they capture a small period of time relevant to readers.  The reader can relate more to these stories and put himself in the position of the characters. This style of writing focuses on everyday people living ordinary lives like” Everyday Use” by Alice Walker.  This short story has very realistic characters and ordinary live styles, like a mom trying to keep her family together.  Most families can relate to this situation.  In addition, dialogue and simple settings make the reader feel as if the story were about their own lives like in “A Well –Lighted Place” by Hemingway.  An old guy goes to a very simple and ordinary bar, a bar most of us have encountered once in our lives, and he is having drinks and we can see a realistic dialogue between waiters and the old guy.  The dialogue that they were having is one we ourselves have had or overheard.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

ENG 102 and Blog Assignment #3:'Author's note on Essay #1

  I chose the two texts “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and “The Appointment in Samarra” by W. Somerset Maugham because of the morals they both send.  My ideas about finding 'morals' in short stories have changed by writing this essay because it clarified the difference between short stories and fables.  Fables focus on fate and destiny while short stories focus on an event during a certain time.  Fables are creative and thoughtful ways to teach a moral to the reader.  Short stories are more realistic in their plot and character choice.  The reader can relate more to these stories and put himself in the position of the characters.  Before reading these stories, I have always thought that these stories would be boring and I would have not understood the texts. After taking ENG 102 and reading these texts, I have started to read more carefully or differently or closely than I did before, so it helped me to understand stories and write better. Overall ,essay # 1 challenged me the way I read  and I know that   I have to push myself to get to my goals and this class is one of the step that helps me to  achieve my dreams.